Monday, September 8, 2008

What is a Blog anyhow?

A friend of mine recently, in response to asking her if she had a blog, asked me "what is a blog for anyhow?" I was sort of taken aback because she is my age, and asking me what the point of a blog was. Doesn't my age group know everything about the computer and IT world? That's our generation isn't it? That got me thinking, though. Why do I have a blog? What is the draw and purpose for so many people to have blogs?
My purpose for a blog was to get my creative juices flowing. I miss having something to put those efforts into, like work and school. I even got ambitious and said I was going to do a mural in Abi's room. Needless to say, that project flopped. I am not a painter in the sense of doing animals and the such. I can do abstract and geometric. And that's about it. But I do love to write short "essays" and poems. And I can do that with a blog and I can share it with people all over the world.
In essence a blog is another way that we as humans fulfill that most important need, contact with others. Whether with strangers, distant or near family and friends, anyone can visit a blog and read the authors thoughts and happenings. Odd creatures, we humans, huh? Our constant curiousness and eager ability to communicate has brought us so many inventions. We are certainly the age of knowledge. And a blog is just another way to communicate with others. So enjoy blogging you bloggers! Keep reading and supporting one another.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A pretty good description of what a blog is and why we (most of us) do it. It is fun to have the interaction with like minded and unlike minded individuals...