Monday, July 28, 2008

Here's to Old Friends and New Vacuums

Oh I got the most delightful email! My Sensei, back from my college karate class, sent me an email. I had sent her an email about this blog site. I love getting emails from long ago friends. It made me so happy to read about her ventures on the sea.
As for the new vacuum bit, well, I have a new vacuum. I couldn't take emptying mine anymore. I hate, I really mean HATE, dealing with the constant clean up of a canister vacuum. I have had my dirt devil since I got married. I really wish I had done more research before picking one out when I registered for my wedding. The stupid thing has always given me trouble. The vacuum had very little suction and was very loud. I broke down a couple days ago and vowed that when mom returned from Oregon I was getting a new one.
So today, I took my old dirt devil, got some trade in value off a new hoover tempo and came home happy. I used it already a couple times and am ecstatic at the fact I don't have to beat the filters or take the canister outside anymore. I really didn't like doing that.
I was not prepared for the suction though! My floor is renewed in plushness again. ON the flip side of that, I sucked up and earring and a leash! I got the leash out but don't care enough about the earring, so to the dust graveyard it goes.
Tonight, I am phone shopping. My husband's phone is dying very quickly. The show he is on right now in Seattle has a company selling new phones discounted. He sent me a list of the ones they have and we are comparing.
Oh speaking of my husband! He surprised me by coming home from work!!! I had a hunch I would see him tonight. But actually seeing him is so much better. I was on the phone with LaShaunna when he walked up. I was like "Um, My husband came home. I need to go!" She was smiling; I could here it.
Chad is gone now though. I got an hour and half or so to visit. He ate some dinner and played with Abigale for a while. Now she's in bed and he is heading to the hotel in Seattle.
I have to admit, it is much easier having him gone but only in Seattle. Though I still don't hear or see him much. I know that if I want, I can. As opposed to when he's in another state all together, when all I can do is see him (if I am lucky) on web cam. Just knowing I have that option makes the separation that much better and easier. I do have to mention though that it has felt like forever since he's been home. Maybe its the fact that this is the tail end of his busy season. Next month is still going to be slightly busy, but he is going to be home.
We are leaving for Alaska on the 7th. YEA!! First real family vacation.

1 comment:

LaShaunna said...

Yes, I was smiling. Glad you had a nice visit.