I looked at the bird, wondering if it was still alive. The limp, lifeless body was not moving. Examining my daughter's fingers, I found one that had a pinch mark on it. The only conclusion I can come to is that the bird came to life just long enough to get an intrusive toddler to stop the waving of his body in the air. "Let me die in what peace and dignity I have left, darn it!" he must have been saying.
My living room was left with the feathers of his abusive death. The kitchen decorated with black and brown flecks. What kind of bird it was I am not sure. But I think it was a Robin youngster. Older than the picture I found for this post, but not an adult. But Missy (year old tabby female) is definitely proud of her catch for Mommy.
Ewww! That would freak me out a little too. We had a baby bird get in our house somehow (probably the chimney) a year ago and it scared me to death when it started flapping around behind our tv when I turned it on. We had a big rescue mission and finally captured it and put it out on the the roof that comes out over our garage. I was afraid to put it on the ground because of all the cats around. It was gone when I looked out about an hour later so I hope it made it away safely.
Over my lifetime, We have had many incidents with cats bringing us birds. One of my cats didn't actually kill them. He would bring them in alive for us to deal with! And being we had starlings nesting in the neighbors roof... we had a lot of starlings brought inside. I wasn't so much freaked at Abi having a bird, its just how gross they are! Abi sucks her thumb!
I think that would be pretty high on my wife's list of "Very bad things that can happen". Kids are great.
Yeah it wasn't horrible looking back at. My chicken incident today was worse in my book. But it was scary when you wake basically to your 20 month old holding a bird.
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