Sunday, September 28, 2008

By Request

I told a friend I wrote poetry before. That friend asked me to post some. So tonight, I will post one that I wrote a couple years back.
This one comes from a time when someone close to me was making decisions that I didn't agree with. She was having a hard time overcoming the pressures of teen life and the aspects of pressures that come with that. This poem came from the frustration I felt as she pushed me away. The pain I felt as I watched her screw up. The sorrow that pierced my heart as the sister I loved, walked away from everything I knew was right.

How can I make you understand?
How can I make you see?
I want to slap you in the face
And say "Listen to me!"
I want to take you by the hand
And show you all that you can be.

But for now, all I can do is dream.
All I can do is pray you will see.
And as I pray, I will stay
Waiting for you to listen to me.
The I will take you by the hand
And show you all that you can be.

Since this poem, many things have happened. Many tears were shed, and many dreams were shattered. But hope has begun to shine in my family. My sister is home again. Happy again. Away from drugs, away from abusive relationships, among other things. I pray that she has learned. I pray she will stay and become all she was meant to be.

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