Checker: " I hope you got all the item numbers on these bulk foods."
Me: "I believe I did."
Then I thought, well shoot, I wonder if I did miss them.
Checker: "Well, you miss this one."
Me: "Well shoot..."
I smile a bit embarrassed... laugh, look at it...look at the cart...
me: "I think its cloves. Oh wait... maybe not... let me smell it."
Checker looks at me funny and hands me the little bag.
I smell it and say
"No its Allspice."
The guy behind me says "When in doubt Allspice!"

Ha! That's some quick thinking. Sorry for sending Chad out of town last week. When's he going to start a blog so I can hassle him?
Yeah, I don't come up with comments like the gentleman behind me in line, but man I do appreciate them. As for a blog for Chad, no idea. Sending him out of town wasn't that bad. It was funny when he gave me the news. When you called him, I made the statement that when the boss calls late at night, its never a good thing. The first thing he said after he hung up was "You're not gonna like this." But what can I do anyway? I am just grateful he is trusted to do his job well. He really likes what he does so that makes me happy.
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