Monday, October 13, 2008

Life and Fairness

I remember as a kid being told "life is not fair". Many parents have heard their child declare with a feeling of great injustice "That's not fair!" While thinking on this the other night, I started to wonder what in life is fair. Parents may try to be, but they are human. Their views are skewed; sometimes they only see one side of the story and you can't reply on the children to always tell it how it was from the objective standpoint. So to all the children out there, when you want fairness where do you do?
Look to the skies. Be a meteorologist.
The weather is completely neutral. There are no biases in weather. The weather does not care who you are. It does not care what your day's plans are. The April showers will not hold off for your wedding if their clouds are heavy. The winter blizzard will not clench its icy winds and frozen rain to let your laboring, pregnant wife get to the hospital in time. There is fairness in nature. Humans, not so much.

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