Monday, March 30, 2009

Okay Okay... I give

I know its been a long time. But as I have told my friend, not many read this- including my husband. So I have a hard time writing when nothing really exciting is going on. That itch to write hasn't been annoying enough I suppose. After a few months of nothing, I figured I'd let the world in again.
Baby is doing great. He is very active and always in my ribs. We have a name- Caden Douglas. It was interesting to see my family's reactions to the name. I honestly felt they didn't like it. But as my husband reminded me, its our baby. I am excited to have a shower before the baby this time. Abigale's was never able to happen before her birth because of snow. And then we actually had it rescheduled for the 15th, but I went into labor that morning. Thus we had one in January after everyone was through with their holiday plans.
I am feeling very ready for this baby to come. He is becoming very uncomfortable to me. Some days I feel like the end is tomorrow. Some days... well lets just say I feel like 10 weeks is forever away.
To get ready, I was given a crib. I bought a used swing. And all the other necessities I have registered for at Babies R Us and Target. I do have some clothes, but not a lot. Sheets and other odds and ends things are on the registry.

Chad's job is going well. He has a review today that will decide on a raise in wages. Budget cuts have changed a few benefits in the company. But he still working, and that is what counts. He has also applied for other internal positions. One of which, when he applied for it, had a $100 a day bonus for being on show site. But that has been cut therefore his interest in the job has as well. It just isn't worth the extra stress for the wages offered. Which is too bad, because he would have really enjoyed it . He likes that division a lot. Maybe they will change the actual wage offered to make up the difference. But we'll see.

Life is okay, we take it one day at a time.

1 comment:

LaShaunna said...

So when are you going to post again?? I mean come on, you can't be THAT busy, newborn, two year old, dog, cats, kitten... ;)