What is a mother's nightmare? Aside from some of the obvious disaster ones, today one of mine was realized. My daughter went into the kitchen and retrieved my 7 inch blade petite carver- CUTCO! I entered the kitchen to see her starting fumble her fingers on the blade! I yelled and she looked at me in innocence. She knows she not supposed to touch my knives, from her experience of trying to get them at the dinner table. Luckily there are no cuts on her. I instantly said a prayer of thanks. Grown adults go to the hospital over these knives for stitches! I don't even want to think what damage she could have inflicted!
I agree the knives always scare me a bit. I went to Ikea and bought there magnet knife set (tossed the knives as they are good for butter only) and have it way back on the counter. I don't care for things on my counter but at least it is a little further away.
My sharp ones are on top of the refrigerator. I don't have little ones anymore (mine are teenagers) but if one is visiting their out of the way...
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