Wednesday, August 27, 2008
All but a bonnet and churn
I have been learning about what is in our food. Isn't knowledge funny? Ignorance really is bliss sometimes isn't it. The reality of what I have begun to learn has definitely opened my eyes. This being said, my husband and I have been looking into how we can change what we eat. One way we are able to eliminate some of the harmful and needless additives in our food is by drinking organic milk.
The search for organics in my area is a little more difficult, but it can be done. I have talked to many that I know from church that are more Eco-knowledgeable and found a few co-ops. Basically a co-op is a cooperative organization of farmers that have a store that is not for profit. Being I try to support my local and small business owners whenever I can, this mode of grocery selection seemed to be a great idea.
There are two in my area. Well sort of my area. There is a small one named Sno-Isle Co-op in Everett and another in Mount Vernon named Skagit Valley Co-Op. The Mt. Vernon one is much bigger than the Everett one and has a lot more selection. My main hang up with going all organic is I simply can't afford it! When you consider the cost of foods today and then double it, how can anyone afford to feed a family the way they would prefer?
My Dad scoffs at the organic principal, but when you think about it, when he grew up, things were basically organic. They were starting to form pesticides and other "helpful" products. But for the most part they were organic. Isn't it interesting how many more cancers and other various illnesses do we have? I have the opinion that we have an increased amount of illnesses because of a couple reason. One being that we have a more proficient medical knowledge, but also that we are helping cause our diseases. I have a friend, that many of my readers know, who is 24. She was recently diagnosed with stage four colon cancer. She has no family history. None! What are we doing to our bodies!
To be able to still reduce some of the toxins and additives in our family's food, I have decided to buy what things I can in organic. Such as vegetables and fruits and milk.
Going on this, I bought organic cream.... What do you do with organic cream? Make butter or whipping cream are the two that came to mind first. So I did make butter. It was so easy too! I put the cream in my blender. Turned it on till it was churned. Then rinsed! Add salt or whatever else you desire and you are done!
Its so simple. If cream were cheaper, I would make it all by myself. Butter is not one of those things that is cheaper to make yourself. It also cost about double. Especially for organic.
The search for organics in my area is a little more difficult, but it can be done. I have talked to many that I know from church that are more Eco-knowledgeable and found a few co-ops. Basically a co-op is a cooperative organization of farmers that have a store that is not for profit. Being I try to support my local and small business owners whenever I can, this mode of grocery selection seemed to be a great idea.
There are two in my area. Well sort of my area. There is a small one named Sno-Isle Co-op in Everett and another in Mount Vernon named Skagit Valley Co-Op. The Mt. Vernon one is much bigger than the Everett one and has a lot more selection. My main hang up with going all organic is I simply can't afford it! When you consider the cost of foods today and then double it, how can anyone afford to feed a family the way they would prefer?
My Dad scoffs at the organic principal, but when you think about it, when he grew up, things were basically organic. They were starting to form pesticides and other "helpful" products. But for the most part they were organic. Isn't it interesting how many more cancers and other various illnesses do we have? I have the opinion that we have an increased amount of illnesses because of a couple reason. One being that we have a more proficient medical knowledge, but also that we are helping cause our diseases. I have a friend, that many of my readers know, who is 24. She was recently diagnosed with stage four colon cancer. She has no family history. None! What are we doing to our bodies!
To be able to still reduce some of the toxins and additives in our family's food, I have decided to buy what things I can in organic. Such as vegetables and fruits and milk.
Going on this, I bought organic cream.... What do you do with organic cream? Make butter or whipping cream are the two that came to mind first. So I did make butter. It was so easy too! I put the cream in my blender. Turned it on till it was churned. Then rinsed! Add salt or whatever else you desire and you are done!
Its so simple. If cream were cheaper, I would make it all by myself. Butter is not one of those things that is cheaper to make yourself. It also cost about double. Especially for organic.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Mother's Nightmare

What is a mother's nightmare? Aside from some of the obvious disaster ones, today one of mine was realized. My daughter went into the kitchen and retrieved my 7 inch blade petite carver- CUTCO! I entered the kitchen to see her starting fumble her fingers on the blade! I yelled and she looked at me in innocence. She knows she not supposed to touch my knives, from her experience of trying to get them at the dinner table. Luckily there are no cuts on her. I instantly said a prayer of thanks. Grown adults go to the hospital over these knives for stitches! I don't even want to think what damage she could have inflicted!
Monday, August 25, 2008
Reflections on the Anniversary

Being on the west coast, who thinks of the horrors that occurred seven years ago? Who thinks on the deaths of our fellow Americans, that we sacrificed because of a tyrant? Do you remember what you felt when you saw the Twin Towers fall? Where were you when you heard of the attack on the Pentagon? Did you hear of the heroes on flight 93?
I remember where I was. I remember staring in disbelief, then crying in sorrow. I remember the worry I had for my home, the land of my birth. History was the class I was in when the planes' destruction was aired on the news. What a fitting place. I remember the day, the teacher, I also remember them telling us we can't watch it. But yet we still had it on in our classroom.
Even though I remember, did I really understand? I had turned 14 only months previously. I look at my 14 year old brother and wonder how he would have reacted if it was him in my place. I think I understood at the face value of it all. But to fully comprehend was a little out of my league. I did not know the history of our two nations' interactions and their diplomatic relations.
What if I saw it happen now? As if an answer to this question, a documentary on the brave souls of Flight 93,' The Flight That Fought Back' by Discovery channel, was aired Sunday night. Chad and I watched it. Seeing the scenes of what may have happened (based on testimonies of the family and friends of members aboard) reenacted, brought tears and a deeper understanding to me. I cried when I saw the planes strike the Twin Towers. I cried when I heard the recordings of the passengers fighting the hijackers.
These people died for us. They died with out being asked. They died because they new that their deaths saves others. Would I be as brave? I hope I would be. There was a passenger on board who was pregnant. How would I handle myself in her situation? Would I call my family to say I love them and goodbye? Or would I sit back and believe the hijackers claims of obedience equaling the ability to survive? I pray I will never have to know. I pray this never happens again.
"It never ends!"

Tonight I am reminded of a favorite Dream Works movie, Over the Hedge. What brings this film to mind is a specific line in which a little ADD squirrel, while looking in astonishment at a new and unfamiliar addition to their forest, exclaims "It never ends!". This new addition is a hedge, for those who have missed an opportunity for a delightfully humorous movie. Why do I think of this line and why does it apply to my life? Those who read this that are the caregivers of their households and do the bulk of the house slaving- I mean cleaning, have most likely pieced together the clues already. I am referring to the never ending processes of cleaning a home.
One of my dearest friends has a plaque in her kitchen which reads "Cleaning a home with children growing is like shoveling snow while its still snowing". My husband smartly mentioned he would change that saying to read "Cleaning a home with children growing is like shoveling snow while in a blizzard". I would have to say I feel strongly about that. And once you add animals you are really fighting an uphill battle.
My predicament is that I don't like starting and I don't get very motivated with my daughter around. Maybe that is because she then notices that mommy is trying to do something and she wants all attention. I could be watching TV and she wouldn't bother me, but the moment I go to pick up toys she has all sorts of needs.
I bring this up this evening because I have been cleaning most of the day and it really only appears as if I have just started! So I declare, from my dear friend Sammy the squirrel, "It never ends!"
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Certifiably Insane
To satisfy my need for heels, today I found a wonderful deal on a pair of bronze stappy high heels. They were originally $60 and I got them for $15. They are very pretty and I love them. Back in June, I ordered myself a pair of stap sandles with cork wedge heel. They ended up being to small so I exchanged those for a pair of ballet flats in cherry red patent leather. They are so pretty. I have always wanted a red shoe. I wanted a red heel, but these will do.
Okay, I am certifiably inane! I mentioned today, to Chad, that I missed having birds. We used to have finches and I loved them. Well, I left this evening to run some errands (involving shoes) and when I returned he was on his way to go get a free bird cage. Well its free and I can't say no, right? We get the cage. Now we have an empty cage. Can't have that, can we? No that won't do. Off to Petco we go. We left with two Parakeets. They are cute. My daughter is so delighted by them as well. She loves birds. (Okay, what doesn't she like?)
So our list of pets is, 1 dog, 5 cats, 3 fish tanks, 6 chickens, 2 parakeets.... okay that's it.... for now. My mom wasn't happy about the parakeet additions. But oh well. Yeah, it was really funny how I told her too. I was saying "I went to target and got detergent, razors, Pedegg, christmas present for Brianne. We got two parakeets. I bought a red pair of shoes and a pair of tennis shoes for abi." It took her a moment. My tatically placed information had to be processed. When it finally clicked, she was saying "What? WHY??" I told her I missed the birds. She proceeded to tell me I had too many pets. And maybe I do, but who's to decided that? As long as they are being taken care of properly its okay right? And Abigale will be well rounded. Okay, I am arguing my insanity, for which there is no explanation.
Okay, I am certifiably inane! I mentioned today, to Chad, that I missed having birds. We used to have finches and I loved them. Well, I left this evening to run some errands (involving shoes) and when I returned he was on his way to go get a free bird cage. Well its free and I can't say no, right? We get the cage. Now we have an empty cage. Can't have that, can we? No that won't do. Off to Petco we go. We left with two Parakeets. They are cute. My daughter is so delighted by them as well. She loves birds. (Okay, what doesn't she like?)
So our list of pets is, 1 dog, 5 cats, 3 fish tanks, 6 chickens, 2 parakeets.... okay that's it.... for now. My mom wasn't happy about the parakeet additions. But oh well. Yeah, it was really funny how I told her too. I was saying "I went to target and got detergent, razors, Pedegg, christmas present for Brianne. We got two parakeets. I bought a red pair of shoes and a pair of tennis shoes for abi." It took her a moment. My tatically placed information had to be processed. When it finally clicked, she was saying "What? WHY??" I told her I missed the birds. She proceeded to tell me I had too many pets. And maybe I do, but who's to decided that? As long as they are being taken care of properly its okay right? And Abigale will be well rounded. Okay, I am arguing my insanity, for which there is no explanation.
Alaska Voyage

Well it has been a while, hasn't it. We had our first trip as a family this month. We went to Alaska. Down on the SE tip of Alaska is where we were in a little town called Sitka. It is a wonderful town. Small fishing town of maybe 8000 people, it was quiet and calm. As if a testament to my heritage, I was at home in the 50-65 degree weather and rain.
While in Sitka, we stayed with a family friend, Harold. He is also the one that made it possible for us to come visit. We didn't spend anything while in Sitka, except for the gifts we purchased. To fill our days we visited the local sites such as Totem Park, Battle ground, and downtown. There are lots of trails to hike, vistas to view, foliage and animals to observe in Alaska, and Sitka is among the greatest.
Sitka is a neat town with an interesting history. Sitka was originally founded by Russian immigrants. Founded meaning they took over the native lands. The populations in Sitka is Russian, Indian and American. The cruise ships also stops there, so the down town shopping is mostly for tourists.
Instead of taking a flight home, we decided to take a three days ferry ride through the Alaska waters and down to Canada, ending in Bellingham, WA. That was probably my favorite part. We were by ourselves, that is without Harold. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed seeing Harold, but its nice to spend time alone as a family. On the ferry, there isn't much to do except watch the water. They showed some videos, but, with a toddler, weren't really able to watch them. There was a cafeteria and a diner. The cafeteria had cold sandwiches, snacks and a grill style menu. We ate some meals there. At the diner it was more like a sit down restaurant. Fish dishes mainly, as well as specials that were usually chicken.
The sites were beautiful and breath taking in Alaska. I have some amazing pictures to share with everyone.
Friday, August 1, 2008
I cry, "Uncle!"
I have been cleaning my room and house all night! Although I haven't reached my goal of cleanliness, I have to call it quits upon the fact that I hurt. I hurt in my hips and lower back the worst. But I can see my floor and I have a clean bed. My hall and living room got vacuumed. I also loaded some dishes and started the washer. I have done several loads of laundry. Granted some of it was bedding, I still have done probably 6 or more loads. In my attempts to cleaning my room, which is still not done all the way, I filled a 13 gallon bag and a box with garbage. I also got rid of two boxes worth of junk! I got rid of two pairs of shoes even.
I feel better. But really tired.
Its odd how much I have used my new vacuum since purchasing it. I have probably used it more time this week than I vacuumed in a whole month with my last one! Poor thing... didn't know what it was getting into.
Tomorrows tasks, what you may ask. Well I need to get the office organized, hang up Abi's clothes as well as fold all of the clothes on the couch and get them put in the places. Tomorrow Chad comes home, though it will probably be late. My guess, He'll be home 24 hours from now. Its kinda torture not knowing what time.... I am a planner and its hard not to know.
Anyways, I am gonna crash so I will write more tomorrow.
I feel better. But really tired.
Its odd how much I have used my new vacuum since purchasing it. I have probably used it more time this week than I vacuumed in a whole month with my last one! Poor thing... didn't know what it was getting into.
Tomorrows tasks, what you may ask. Well I need to get the office organized, hang up Abi's clothes as well as fold all of the clothes on the couch and get them put in the places. Tomorrow Chad comes home, though it will probably be late. My guess, He'll be home 24 hours from now. Its kinda torture not knowing what time.... I am a planner and its hard not to know.
Anyways, I am gonna crash so I will write more tomorrow.
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